Thursday, January 23, 2014

Iroidscom review anavar for woman

As a woman, I know everyone just looks down on me for trying to use steroids and all this junk.  Yea, well I couldn't lose any darn weight.  I tried cardio, tried dieting but the darn weight just always came back over and over! What am I supposed to do? I had 2 kids.  I started reading about anvar from iroids, made by GS labs.  So I went to and decided to order, 2 bottles, which is 8 weeks anavar for woman is ok. 

My program:
50% protein/35% fat/15% carbs
cardio 3x/week
weights 4x/week
cheat day = 1

my cycle:
iroids anvar10 every day for 8 weeks
clenbuterall every day for 4 weeks

results: Lost about 12 lbs of fat gained some muscle and I look great and I feel great :) thanks to iroids.

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